The debate over fracking has been an intense and controversial one in communities across the country, but it's been especially important to those who rely on well water. Well water users who are concerned about the potential threat that fracking poses to ground water purity are understandably eager for any information on how their well could be impacted.
While the debate over the practice is ongoing, being aware of the following factors should help well owners to rest assured that fracking is not likely to pose hazards to their water supply:
Fracking is not new
Because the fracking process has only come under the public spotlight in recent years, many people assume it is a new technique. In fact, the history of the practice of using hydraulic fracturing treatments in the United States can be traced back to 1947. Fracking is a well established practice that has been fine tuned and developed over the years to maximize its safety.
Supply vs. purity
Another important factor in the fracking debate is the fact that water scarcity is often considered a more pressing issue than water purity when it comes to arguments against fracking. Fracking uses up enormous quantities of fresh water, and this fact has naturally raised concerns everywhere. However, it's an especially pertinent issue in states like California, where a drought is a common occurrence.
Well owners living in areas with an abundant water supply don't need to worry about this potential environmental consequence of fracking.
Pumping sand and water
Many members of the general public have a misconception that the fracking process itself involves pumping large quantities of toxic chemicals into the ground.
In fact, it is mostly just sand and water that is pumped into the ground during fracking. Obviously, these are not toxic substances at all and cannot in and of themselves cause ground water contamination.
The real culprit
Since fracking has become increasingly more common, there have been cases reported of ground water contamination in the states of Texas and Pennsylvania. However, authorities have pointed to well leaks rather than the hydrofracking process itself as the actual cause of the contamination.
A 2014 report produced by the National Academy of Sciences showed that there was no reason to believe that fracking itself had caused contamination. The contamination was instead traced to faulty cement and/or steel tubing that allowed gas leaks to occur at the fracking sites that caused water contamination.
To learn more about what factors can cause well water contamination, contact a company like Henderson Well & Pump Co.